We treat escort girls who really stand out as VIP! You don't just receive VIP status, you need to be a real high-class escort in the United Kingdom. Both men and women can earn this status and immediately stand out in the overview of the profiles. When an escort girl gets extremely good and real reviews, looks like a superstar or does provide the best escort service you can imagine, we reward this by awarding a VIP badge.
Not only the most beautiful escort girls in the UK are eligible, but we also like to nominate escorts who have built a proven reputation on Escortservice.xxx. Have you had a really good experience as a customer? Then let us know by leaving a free review with the escort in question and help her achieve VIP status. She will be very grateful to you ;-)
We are delighted to introduce Blossom, a sexy blonde bombshell es...
Kirsten 26 is the ultimate female escort with her model like figu...
Dagmar is a busty fun loving escort who will show you a good time...
Stella is a stunning, curvy, busty, blonde babe with a magnetic p...